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cubE 60 IS a GIFt FROM god


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Seriously awesome amp. It almost makes me want to get rid of everything else. A very simple take on modeling. Dont try to {censored}ing pack 1000 amps but just put a few winners in there. Needs an fx loop though. Maybe a little more control over the fx, but other than that it is the perfect... take it anywhere and it will hang, amp.

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I had a microcube and it was awesome! It was louder than my little park practice amp and the micro even had effects. It even ran on batteries so you could take it anywhere. I haven't tried the cube 60 but if it was like the micro then :thu: for the cubes!

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i've had mine for a couple of months now. i use it for rehearsals and small gigs. it sure beats moving around a head and 4x12 or a heavy combo. i added an extention speaker to it as well. i used a slightly different tack in that i'm using a 15" for the extention cab. i had an old p.a. box that was gutted. the woofer section was separate from the tweeter.. was about the same dimensions relatively speaking.. and was ported about the same. i can stack them or separate them and i don't get any wierd interactions between the cabs. it adds some needed warmth to the clean models and really moves air when i get into the higher gain stuff.
it sits in the mix very well and i've been having a blast with it. while it won't replace any of my tube stuff it does fill that small combo niche very well and gives me a number of amp options and is super easy to use. haven't tried recording with it but i understand that the cubes record even better than they sound.
i have to rate it as one of the better investments i've made in the last few months.
as far as the three wire thing? i have no idea.

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