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s/pdif audio chain and signal level


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Thanks to this thread: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=2504681 it urged me to post a question I've had for some time.


I'm using s/pdif as well... I've got my V-Synth GT -> MC-909 -> Fantom X6 -> MOTU 828 in a s/pdif chain and my Waldorf Q -> Lexicon PCM80 -> Virus TI in a s/pdif chain as well.


Speaking of which, the one issue I have with s/pdif is my audio signals peak at about -14 db (maybe even less) and I spent a lot of time trying to determine if I was doing something wrong, but in research I've found several comments about this being normal for s/pdif and everything is rectified in the mastering stage. The problem I have is just that the recorded levels seem so low and when I bump them up in the final mix then I, of course, raise everything up, including a little bit of noise (albeit minor).


My problem isn't as bad on the Virus chain because I run the Virus into an analog mixer and I achieve great signal levels from that submix. This is only an "issue" with the entire s/pdif chain.


Is this a similar experience for the rest of you using s/pdif?



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I use the digital outs on my PC3X and have noticed that the output is quite low. I've asked about it and gotten a very technical answer from Kurzweil. That was some time ago. IIRC, they said that the digital outs have to be relatively low so that there is not horrible digital distortion if gain is cranked too high either by multiple simultaneous notes or the use of multiple layers. On some level that makes sense to me, but the relative drop in signal between digital and analog outputs seems pretty significant. Nonetheless, I use the digital outs and crank the monitors because they are REALLY QUIET (and not just because of their anemic signal output).

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