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5150 doing 80's style rock clip


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Sounds pretty good man!! Didnt know you had a 5150. i sold mine



Thanks man! The 5150 isn't mine, it is a friends that I borrowed for a bit while my Recto is down with a blown tranny.

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Originally posted by LedZep77

That sounds really good:thu:

I can easily hear the different voicing the 5150 head has compared to the combo, but I love both:love:




Thanks Zep! I appreciate your listening... And I really think both are voiced differently. I love both as well. I really dig the 5150 lead tones. No matter what amps I have owned or used, I still think the 5150 lead tones are up there with them!



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Sounded a bit Satch'esque to me, not that I mind of course. Thanks for showing me the less grindy side of the 5150, as a recent buyer of a 6505 it's nice to be pleasently surpised by what a supposed "one trick pony" can do.

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Originally posted by The Realm


I think it sounds like all the {censored} you always post here Riffy year after year the same wah'd out approach same recording style same solo approach.Man with you I don't need sleeping pills just throw on one of your clips.70's style 80's style 90's style 00' style whatever! its all just your timeless homogenous style!

Are you autistic or something?

I wonder if someone will respond with humour or will it just be a typical no brain no life flame fest.I won't hold my breath.

LOL!! Constructive criticism at it's finest.. :D:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by vlad

LOL!! Constructive criticism at it's finest..

I thought it was soooo constructive as well...lol
I really dig the lead sound though.

Ya know, I do the best I can, and if it ain't good it ain't good.
But, at least I do try. I don't know if it is because I like melody
more than flashy licks or what but I do always sound the same.
I am going to have to do something about that!

I am starting work on your track today. I have had a week of 12 hour days Vlad! I need to get busy now!


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Originally posted by ConfessorT

Sounded a bit Satch'esque to me, not that I mind of course. Thanks for showing me the less grindy side of the 5150, as a recent buyer of a 6505 it's nice to be pleasently surpised by what a supposed "one trick pony" can do.

Thanks ConfessorT,
I find the 5150 amps can do quite a lot actually. Anyone who calls them a one trick pony is a one trick guitarist. Wait, wait, wait, thats what I am isn't it?:D


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Originally posted by troublehead

Awesome tone/great playing:thu:




Thanks man,

Although I think some would disagree with you on the playing part. Although, I LOVE the lead tone!

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I'm going to be completely honest Gary. And you know me, so you know I'm not flaming you or anything. But your clips do sound the same to me. I can't tell the different between amps in your clips. I think it has a lot to do with the layering of guitars you do, and the effects. And your picking technique, when you get the wah effect (I do the same thing a lot).;)

They all sound good, just the same to me. But I think I do the same thing. I allways approach clips the same way. I allways use the same delay setting, allways pan the tracks the same, and so on, and so on.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way. This is by no means a slam. I'm just being as honest as I can be, in hopes that it helps.

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Originally posted by J.B.

I'm going to be completely honest Gary. And you know me, so you know I'm not flaming you or anything. But your clips do sound the same to me. I can't tell the different between amps in your clips. I think it has a lot to do with the layering of guitars you do, and the effects. And your picking technique, when you get the wah effect (I do the same thing a lot).

They all sound good, just the same to me. But I think I do the same thing. I allways approach clips the same way. I allways use the same delay setting, allways pan the tracks the same, and so on, and so on.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way. This is by no means a slam. I'm just being as honest as I can be, in hopes that it helps.

Hey Bro!
Not taking it as a slam at all! Just honest.
I think you are right. No matter what gear I use, I pretty much always sound the same. It doesn't matter if I layer parts or not really, cause this clip is only one track of rhythm and one track of lead...lol... Must have something to do with the delay I use on leads for sure though.
I swear, I think I am just going to buy this 5150 and say screw all the other high gainers. If I sound the same on all of them it makes no sense for me to keep shelling out big dollars on others.

At least I know I love the sound of the 5150 for leads!:D

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Finally got the clip to work. If others can't hear it, just right click and select "save taget as".

I thought it sounded great. I also do not think all your clips sound alike. There are differences depending on the amp, at least to my ears. I think this one sounded like a 5150, just as your Soldano clips sounded like a Soldano. Anywho, good job!


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Dude I never heard any of your other clips but I like this one alot. It's refreshing to hear some Dokken like 80's metal. Your style is awesome and unless you wanna change it, don't. I respect your tone as I like it alot. It's very nice.

Todays metal to me seems to be getting to hard. all the yelling and bands trying to bang out the hardest {censored} they can play already for me is getting old.

these 5150's are nice. the one I played was nice. the cleans on the combo where ok, not exaclty my cup of tea but with time and effort I probably could get it to sound my way.

Even the Rythym tone is nice. The fuzzy sound fits with what your doing there. It's not to much for this song. I'm the first one to bitch about to much gain or fuzz but this is nice man.

Honestly dude you just Inspired me to get back to what I love. George Lynch style playing is what I always dreamed of being able to pull off. You do it well.


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Good stuff there man (y) especially love the tone of the lead. You are most excellent. Pitty I can't a similar tone out of my 5150II as I still can't figure out what the hell is wrong with it =/ Have you had your 5150 modded and also what did you use to get the delay and such?

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Originally posted by Wizard of Ozz

Finally got the clip to work. If others can't hear it, just right click and select "save taget as".

I thought it sounded great. I also do not think all your clips sound alike. There are differences depending on the amp, at least to my ears. I think this one sounded like a 5150, just as your Soldano clips sounded like a Soldano. Anywho, good job!


Thanks bud!
I think there are also tonal differences in the amps but maybe my playing covers that up. I do hear big differences in tone but not style. There are big differences between the 5150 and the SLO for sure too!



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Originally posted by Dmantis

Dude I never heard any of your other clips but I like this one alot. It's refreshing to hear some Dokken like 80's metal. Your style is awesome and unless you wanna change it, don't. I respect your tone as I like it alot. It's very nice.

Todays metal to me seems to be getting to hard. all the yelling and bands trying to bang out the hardest {censored} they can play already for me is getting old.

these 5150's are nice. the one I played was nice. the cleans on the combo where ok, not exaclty my cup of tea but with time and effort I probably could get it to sound my way.

Even the Rythym tone is nice. The fuzzy sound fits with what your doing there. It's not to much for this song. I'm the first one to bitch about to much gain or fuzz but this is nice man.

Honestly dude you just Inspired me to get back to what I love. George Lynch style playing is what I always dreamed of being able to pull off. You do it well.





Thank you Dan,

I really appreciate your listening and taking your time to comment. I truly appreciate it mang!



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Originally posted by riffy

I thought it was soooo constructive as well...lol

I really dig the lead sound though.

Ya know, I do the best I can, and if it ain't good it ain't good.

But, at least I do try. I don't know if it is because I like melody

more than flashy licks or what but I do always sound the same.

I am going to have to do something about that!

I am starting work on your track today. I have had a week of 12 hour days Vlad! I need to get busy now!


Yeah I know... "YOU SUCK... Cut your fingers off now!" :D

That's stupid talk... Especially saying that to a guy who can play his ass off... I think it's retarded.

Anyway. My favorite tones from you have been the 2203x (2203) + OD808 and the Cornford. I thought there was mojo in your playing that's not always audible with the other amps. Not sure if it's because they get too saturated and compressed.. I dunno. Regardless, your clips always sound good. They're very very dense guitar-wise and it seems like there's too much down the middle, but the playing is always excellent and melodic.

Anyway... I thought the lead part sounded great! The rhythm part was a bit fizzy and saggy. I didn't care for it. It certainly wasn't bad, just not my favorite tone from you.

And whenever you get the chance to record some stuff is fine. I completely understand. :)

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