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For Fans of Saraya


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Awesome. She looks a lot better in the second vid. Damn I miss the hair metal days. If I could go back to any point in time and do things over again, I'd go right back to the beginning of the hair metal days (when I actually had hair) and join one of the good hair bands.

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I had the first album... I think it was self titled. It came out in 1990-91... had a song called "When a Blackbird Sings". A great, great guitar album. In fact... I can't remember much about how i sounded, but at the time I remember wanting that tone.

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Wow, that's cool you used to play that song. You must have had a good singer to be able to belt the Sandi Saraya vocal...


That version that you posted the link for is the regular CD version. The version I'm looking for is the "Rock Mix" version which has better drum tone/parts, the tempo is a couple bpm faster, and the guitar playing/tone is cleaner. Thanks for posting that though!


If anything, I'll get a friend's tape deck and convert my CD single of that mix to CD audio even though there will be drop outs... Yep, this song is definitely a guilty pleasure... :D


Originally posted by papaoj

My band used to play this song. One of my favorites. Definite guilty pleasure. Enjoy!


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