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Aussies Were Robbed


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Originally posted by lenster

What more can i say?





I Thought he was great up until that "penalty".



Lucas Neil missed the tackle...then the italian went to dive over him and tripped over himself.


So in order to get a pentaly you just have to trip over yourself and dive.

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Anybody else disgusted with the referees and players this year? I don't remember in past World Cups that people were so eager to take a dive. People flopping all over the place. Faking injuries. Rolling on the ground for 5 minutes only to bounce back up at 100% in a matter of seconds. I don't get to watch a lot of soccer because I'm in the States. But those of you who do watch a lot of international football, has it gotten worse this World Cup? I used to try to catch the few Premier League games on TV here, and I just don't remember it being this full of pansies. It really makes the sport look like a bunch of sissies.

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