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ISIS to tour with TOOL


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For the many people who are reading this in ignorance, like me,

who the hell are `isis` anyway?

i'm watching some looks to be dubbed stuff on youtube now. its solid, but to blow tool away you'd need more than a couple records of top shelf songs and the attitude. So far isis look like a solid opener but the vocals are leaving them in the "opener" category for me.


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Originally posted by someones_tired

Theirs two different concerts.

Aparently isis is the type that jumps around and {censored}, you know a lot of energy, but a lot of times they dont play their songs too well, mostly singer.

and tool is the type that nails the music no missed notes, but lacks what the other has.

Its what you like the most, lets just agree that this will be an amazing tour, best of both worlds.

I hope you're joking re: Isis' stage presence. lol

Nobody who is holding up Isis is implying that Tool isn't good. Recordings don't capture how dynamic the Isis live set sounds. Honestly, I didn't expect Isis to be that good live before I saw them. They ended up being exactly the type of band that plays everything perfectly. They don't jump around and act ridiculous; they just look like they're enjoying themselves on stage.

Also, if you're looking at raw technical ability, Tool certainly has them beat. However, Isis are just fantastic at arranging their music and creating interesting soundscapes, and it's at the live show that the subtleties are brought out fully. Hopefully they have a good enough live mix in the larger venues to allow everything to get across.

They're not going to come off as "blowing Tool off the stage" at these shows because they're not doing the same thing as Tool; it's a different approach to music than Tool has (for the most part). I think they'll complement Tool very well.

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Originally posted by FPFL

For the many people who are reading this in ignorance, like me,

who the hell are `isis` anyway?

i'm watching some looks to be dubbed stuff on youtube now. its solid, but to blow tool away you'd need more than a couple records of top shelf songs and the attitude. So far isis look like a solid opener but the vocals are leaving them in the "opener" category for me.




Check out their Panopticon album.


I hope all the Isis love isn't putting Tool fans off of Isis. You may not like them as much as Tool, but they're seriously worth checking out. It's fantastic music. They're the first band I've liked as much as Tool since I got into Tool.


(P.S. For anyone who likes sludge, then the Celestial album is the one to check out!)



P.P.S. Focussing on the vocals is totally missing what's great about them (if we're talking about their newer stuff). It would be just as good if the vocals were not there.

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I love Isis, but I don't get the Tool comparisons, why pit the two bands against each other? They really dont sound anything alike :confused: Their earlier stuff sounded kind of like Neurosis, and now they're doing their own thing. Isis is definately not an opener-caliber band though, their last 3 albums were all excellent.

And, Aaron Turner runs a great record label too.

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