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Sound card...

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Wait a minute, do I see the old HC again ? Man, am I happy ? I was going to delete HC from my favorites 'cause I couldn't stand the "updated" site and couldn't even log in at all. That so-called update was the worst thing, ever. Anyway, I'm wondering if upgrading my sound card is a good idea. I notice a little bit of latency when using Synth1 from within FL Studio -using the SH 201 as a controller- however when I use Ultra Analog A1 in standalone mode there's hardly any latency. My current sound card is the one that came with my HP computer when I bought it 3-4 years ago. Like I said that latency isn't that bad but I thought if I can get rid of it, then why not? Doesn't a better sound card improve the sound quality in other applications too ? Any recommendations on what I should be looking for, or if I need to upgrade at all ? Thanks.

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