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[AMP TUBES] Ok to touch with bare hands?

Mr Ten

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Originally posted by BluePowder7

the epitome of Eric Johnson's anality was when he reportedly bitched at a guitar tech for not putting the trem cover screws in the same holes that they came out from. supposedly the tech took 6 screws out, and then put 6 screws back in when he was done, not observing which screw came from which hole, thereby forever ruining EJ's tone, or at least until EJ was able to try out all 720 combinations and got his mojo back.

of course, EJ didn't bother to specify the torque to which the screws were to be secured, so even if the screws were in the original hole, it's all moot..... fuck'im.


there's truth to that anality which is certainly at an unattainable (and undesirable) level...


i think he later liked how that pedal sounded without the screws on it but rubber bands holding the bottom plate on... it sounded better with rubber bands than screws. :freak:

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I know with Car head lights the oils from your hands transfer on the bulb then heat up when the bulb is turned on an can explode. With tubes my guitar tech says this is unnecassary as long as your hands are clean.

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I wiped some of my hand sweat on my tubes once and I didn't notice a big change in tone. But then my buddy wiped some of his sweat on the tubes and then tone was much fatter (but he's a pretty big guy). But then we tried some NOS sweat and the amp came alive!

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Originally posted by Woody777

I wiped some of my hand sweat on my tubes once and I didn't notice a big change in tone. But then my buddy wiped some of his sweat on the tubes and then tone was much fatter (but he's a pretty big guy). But then we tried some NOS sweat and the amp came alive!



do you ship sweat to canada?

what kind of condition is it in?

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I somehow doubt that anyone is really arguing that skin oils would affect a tube's tone. As I understand it, tube life is the issue. I could be wrong, of course, but lots of people cite the automobile bulb example, and I have reading lamps that suggest I treat them the same way.

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Originally posted by hatata

do you ship sweat to canada?

what kind of condition is it in?


It's mint... I think they guy who sweated it ate a lot of mint.


I really don't like to ship internationally... and I think FedEx has some kind of regulation against shipping bodily fluids... but PM me :D

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Originally posted by BluePowder7

the epitome of Eric Johnson's anality was when he reportedly bitched at a guitar tech for not putting the trem cover screws in the same holes that they came out from. supposedly the tech took 6 screws out, and then put 6 screws back in when he was done, not observing which screw came from which hole, thereby forever ruining EJ's tone, or at least until EJ was able to try out all 720 combinations and got his mojo back.

of course, EJ didn't bother to specify the torque to which the screws were to be secured, so even if the screws were in the original hole, it's all moot..... {censored}'im.



wow! OCD at its finest!

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Originally posted by Woody777

It's mint... I think they guy who sweated it ate a lot of mint.

I really don't like to ship internationally... and I think FedEx has some kind of regulation against shipping bodily fluids... but PM me


are you taking trades?:p

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Originally posted by love_o_rock

You handle a light bulb with your hands right? It's not like the light is muddy or buzzes or anything right?



Umm...no. I use a clean rag or paper towel to install light bulbs. I don't do this because the resulting light might compromised. I do this in the, perhaps mistaken, belief that to do so will ensure the longest lived light bulb.

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Originally posted by Loghead

Umm...no. I use a clean rag or paper towel to install light bulbs. I don't do this because the resulting light might compromised. I do this in the, perhaps mistaken, belief that to do so will ensure the longest lived light bulb.


Your more anal than the prostate thread.

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The only possible negative impact I can imagine is that the labels might fade/wear off. Glass is very un-reactive, and I can't imagine that moderate amounts of skin oil/sweat, etc would react with the glass in such a way as to shorten it's life. Plus when a tube wears out, it's not the glass that quits first, it's the internals.

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The idea is that the oils in your hand could potentially cause a spot of uneven heating on your tube, which will thus shorten the life of the tube. It has nothing to do with how it sounds or anything a'la Eric Johnson Anality, it is just the idea that the oils on your skin (especially if you had greasy hands) would be transfered onto the glass and work its way into any imperfections and be 'set' there after reaching operating temperature. This spot would then retain heat differently (read: hotter) than the rest of the tube and could potentially cause the lifespan of the tube's internals to be shortened.


Is this necessarily reality? Not that I have seen. I have seen it in car headlights, but never an amplifier tube.

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