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PRS SE Singlecut


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I owned one when they were first released and sold it year ago and regret it everyday. The one I owned was a great guitar.
It was light body that was lively and rang like a bell. The finsh was cherry and beautifully done.

The frets highly polished and the edges were rounded like a guitar that had been played for years.

The pick-ups were fat and warm sounding not as snarly sounding as gibson's, when bought the guitar I had only played without plugging it in and was fully prepared to install a set of Fralin's but I didn't feel a need.

The pots and switches were fine as well.

The only small issue I could detect with mine was the nut slots weren't fit properly, they too tight but that took me 20 minutes to fix myself.

All in all previously I was never blow away by PRS guitars, never liked their overpriced ornate or "pimped out" "AMERICAN" models.
This guitars was awsome, let me say that I was sceptical about the price and don't care what PRS purist say about this Korean model. MONEY aside it was great guitar and I suspect that's why they stopped making it, infact their new faded single cuts looks very similar with a {censored}ty finish at probably 31/2 times the price.

Sorry for the long winded response but that how I feel.


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I played one yesterday. They are very, very nice guitars for the money. I love how they did the cut away. It's alot easier to reach the upper frets than a Les Paul. The finish looked good, the maple top was nice, fret work was good. Honestly, I said I would never buy another foreign "cheap" guitar, but for the price this guitar is a steal.

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