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Ugh! Trying to form a band...


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I just met a guy who wants to play music with me and my friend (who is a drummer) and he's drunk off his ass, and he's a "Luciferian Paganist". He described it as "Atheism, but with 'Hail satans!'"


Now I'm an atheist, and I'm fairly tolerant of all beliefs, but I don't believe in God... but by the same token, I dont believe in satan either. I think they're both kooky. Got some goat tattoos and {censored} all over him and he listens to those silly black metal bands. And to make things worse he's a perpetual drunk who has seances in his spare time.


So now I have to decide whether I can settle for this, or just keep looking. I swear these crazy nut jobs make metal look bad. WTF? You know? You'd think they'd try at least a LITTLE harder.


And this is why we have documentaries on the discovery channel about Death metal convincing kids to murder people. :rolleyes:

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