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ATTN: Bogner owners


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Do any of you bogner owners out there happen to have a logo that you took off & don't care to have around? My Uberschall is missing the logo. I plan on getting one when I get out to LA but I figured it would be worth a shot to check here first. PM me if you can help.

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Originally posted by xbrianx

Do any of you bogner owners out there happen to have a logo that you took off & don't care to have around? My Uberschall is missing the logo. I plan on getting one when I get out to LA but I figured it would be worth a shot to check here first. PM me if you can help.


You should leave it off just to throw off people and confuse them :)

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My shiva logo is on there for good, It must have been glued as well as the 4x12. I think I have the "ner" left from my OS 2x12 shipping, but I don't think that is what you want. It is pretty funny though, because I always called my shiva " The Bog" and now one of my cabs proves it....:bor:

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Originally posted by Shiny_Surface

You should leave it off just to throw off people and confuse them


Well I was thinking about that but it's going to be a strictly stay at home amp. I plan on using it for pretty much all my recordings & probably local shows or one offs. I just don't fully trust it being out on the road with me & even so I keep my head case behind my cabs when I play so people wouldn't be able to see it anyway.

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Originally posted by Evan.S

you don't trust the amp on the road? are you kidding me?



Yeah, I don't trust {censored}ing scumbags busting into our trailer & stealing all our {censored}. It's happened to too many friends of ours. Guess I should have been more specific.

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Just call them and tell them you want a new logo, I'm sure they will sell you one.


Great customer service.


All ready talked to Shawn last week. I have plans to pick one up when I get out there next month.

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My logo fell off of my Shiva. I actually found it in the parking lot after we finished loading the van to go home. I always make one last walk through, even after the van is locked and ready to leave. Sometimes I find a cable, or a mic stand, etc. That time I found my Bogner logo.

The amp is built like a tank - but they might want to upgrade their choice of adhesive for their logos based on the way this thread is going!

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Originally posted by nrarocks

Are you still using the Deliverance live? O, and coming to MN anytime soon?


Not currently using the Deliverance live but hope to have it back up in my arsenal soon. Right now I am using a madison divinity with a tiny bit of framus cobra through 2 madison cabs. As for Thad, he decided he wanted to get a job & get married so we got a replacement who slays. He hasn't played in any touring bands before but I grew up with him & he went to Berklee until we stole him away after last semester. So all is well. As for coming to MN soon trust me, we want to so bad. I've never been there but we have a lot of friends there & a lot of people have been asking us if we're coming, so I hope it happens quite soon.

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Originally posted by Shiny_Surface

That Avenged Sevenfold interview someone posted on here recently they said the same thing....

The ones I've had have always been bulletproof but I didn't tour with them. I would definitely roadcase it


Funny you mention this because shortly after I posted this I went up to Canada to see them & 3 Inches of Blood play. We were all hanging after the show & Brian (Synester Gates) & I were chatting about Bogner & what they thought. They love the amps but they have a lot of problems with them. Zachy blew a tube today (which they said is pretty common) & he told me when he first got his head the transformer blew up. I know for a couple of Ozzfest dates I saw them using their mesas. They had krankensteins for the first week of Ozzfest but used them once then sent them back. For the record, their heads are in roadcases & their cabs are strapped to a piece of wood with casters. Everything seems to be in excellent condition, no signs of abuse.

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