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Fender Blues Deluxe


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Are these worth the extra cash over the Blues Junior? I've tried the Fender Blues Junior (haven't been able to try out the Deluxe yet) and fell in love with the tone and am contemplating going for either the Blues Deluxe or Blues Junior but the Blues Deluxe is over

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What kind of tone are you looking for? The Blues Deluxe uses 6L6's and the Jr. uses EL84's.

I had a deluxe.... it was fun; I bought it when I first got back into playing after a several year hiatus. I could probably still make it work for me with a couple pedals. The Jr. would not be anything but a practice amp no matter what. YMMV.

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Never noticed they had different power amp tubes :o I assumed they were the same. What sort of different characteristics am I looking at between EL84s and 6L6s ?

I'm after decent well rounded cleans to a nice smooth bluesy overdrive and an amp that will take pedals well.

Blues Junior had the cleans I was looking for and I was gonna go for maybe a Maxon OD-9 to get a little more drive out of it because I noticed it didn't have a great deal of gain when I tried the amp out.

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I have a Blues Deluxe and I love it. I use the clean channel 90% of the time and use pedals to get my OD since I rarely have the volume above three. It takes pedals incredibly well.

There is really no comparison to the Blues Jr - it's in a totally different class of amps. Also - I believe that the newer Blues Deluxes are made in Mexico now. The BD just smokes for anything from country to classic rock. I've owned a Blues Jr and the BD is well worth the extra money.... and the price on the used market is usually pretty low.

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