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OT: Have you SEEN the state of Travis Barker's wife?

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I'm not a Blink 182 fan, but Travis is a damn fine drummer. Being a drummer myself for some 25 years and even studying it in college I think I have a decent sense of what "good" drumming is. Travis is VERY good. I'm not sure I would label him a "Drum God", but he's definitly no slouch.

SteveVHT, you're a jackass.


Oh, and Shanna is still fine...a little baby fat never hurt anybody. COME ON!! IT'S NOT LIKE SHE'S OBESE.

Her or Kate Moss...who would you pick? (Kate Moss is a friggin' dog)

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Originally posted by SteveVHT

Now that was funny....Drum God....LOL LOL LOL LOL

I guess you've never heard any real drummers....

He's a great drummer - tight, accurate, powerful, consistent across the skins/brass, and has a good groove going.

He's obviously just too popular for a cool muso type such as yourself :)


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Originally posted by SteveVHT

I think you're a bit off base...

I'd rather lick dirty toilets for a living than be that guy...

Just a personal preference....


I really dislike Blink 182, but I think Travis is a fantastic drummer.


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Originally posted by SteveVHT

Many styles....

from jazz to metal, funk to classical, country to rock...etc etc etc

You know, music that is not generic and simple. Not saying there are no good simple songs, which there are....I simply can't stand commercial wanker kiddie music...

And no.....NO Poison thank you...LOL



Have you ever listened to any of Travis' patterns? His accents? His rolls and fills? The way he actually hits the skins?

I'm sure you can't like him because its not 'cool' in your muso fantasy land to like someone who is on the radio and sells singles, but maybe you should actually listen to what he plays within his (crap, IMO) bands and get an idea of his ability then.


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Travis is a great drummer. I really like his work on The Transplants CDs, but he plays come really cool stuff in Blink too.

I swear, some of the people on this site are morons, full of themselves, and just down on music because it doesn't fit into their narrow view of what music should be. I'm glad my parents rasied me to appreciate all music, whether popular or otherwise. Just because I don't like listening to the new Brtiney Spears single doesn't mean I can't appreciate the work that goes into it and find something I like about it.

SteveVHT can't find cool things in a lot of simplicity because it's "commercial wanker music." The people who only listen to "commercial wanker music" might never find something cool in a Miles Davis or Necrophagist album. And all parties mentioned lose, because they can't get their head out of their ass.


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Originally posted by des67

Its called childbirth man. I really feel for any future wife of yours if you expect her to be exactly the same as she was before having a kid. I still think shes pretty hot:o

After our first kid...4 months ago, my wife lost all of the baby weight and then some. She weighs less than she did at our wedding...and she starved herself for that. :thu: :thu: :thu:

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Originally posted by pinkpunkcaddy

so i guess im the only one here that digs the transplants?

Tim Armstrong was the reason I wanted to play guitar. Operation Ivy "Energy" was the watershead album in my youth. Super fanboy here...

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hell i think shes hot...so shes had kids and that changes a womans body...a lot of women get plastic surgery to correct it. i dont really like plastic surgery...but hey, whatever floats their boat LOL

as for Travis...ive always thought he was a good drummer, and the best musician in Blink. i hate blink myself...the songs just annoy me, and i dont really find any appealing qualities to it at all. and live Mark and Tom are sloppy as hell and way off time every time ive seen any live footage, but Travis is always right on. now Tom has gone on to Angels and Airwaves and i honestly cant stand that either...i really hope Travis does something worthwhile and more serious. sure hes made a lot of money from Blink, but that doesnt equal a good band. now if Travis starts showing what he can do in a more serious context, i think hell get more recognition.

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Originally posted by Urban Ghandi

I find body art a "scream for attention" by people with little or no self asteem.

That is very true.

Your assumption that women obsess about the looks/fame/wealth of a man, however, is blatantly wrong. (Given that he is not the hunchback of notre dame, or a homeless guy or anything).

Fu**ing hot women is not as difficult as you think ;) Ironically enough, it is these very self-depreciating beliefs that perpetuate the vicious cycle of sexlessness :D:D:D

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