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FS: Randall RM100+3 MTS Modules (2 modded)


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I am selling a 2005 Randall RM100S MTS 100W Amp head. This is the "S" version head with the cloth front (the "M" version has a metal grill on the front). The head has only been used in my smoke-free project studio and comes with pedal, power cable, and manual.






This is a truly versitily amp for either stage or studio. And to make it even more versitile because in addition to being able to swap preamp modules, you can also swap the power tubes, thanks to external bias points on the rear. This means that you can try any power tube you want--6L6, EL34, KT88, you name it[


Along with the amp head, I am selling the three Randall modules I have for it:

SL+ -- This module is based on a hot-rodded Marshall JCM800

Recto -- This modules is based on the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier

Top Boost -- This module is based on a boosted Vox AC30


Moroever, these modules were purchased directly from Randall, and the SL+ and Recto MTS modules were modified to have really punchy, tight bass response (for those familiar with modding Randall modules, this is the .001u "cap mod" found at http://www.grailtone.com/guitar-tone...fications.html).


This amp is in excellent condition and I've used it on recordings as recently as last week. I really think there is no better system than the modular system--I'm only selling it because I bought a different modular amp.


The retail price of the RM100S ($1199), modded SL+ ($250+), modded Recto ($250+), and Top Boost ($199) MTS modules would be over $1900. I am selling it for $1100 OBO. I will accept cash in person, or paypal prior to picking up the amp.


Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for checking out this post!



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