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Basic amp question


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I would have searched the forum about this, but it seems the search function has been disabled. So, pardon me if this has been asked before.


It seems like a stupid question, but it's always the stuff that I DON'T know that worries me, so I'll ask at the risk of great scorn and ridicule!


I play acoustic guitar and keyboards, and took up bass recently. I have both a keyboard amp (crappy, but serviceable for practice) and a bass amp (a great sounding practice and stage amp, I think).


I just got a great deal on an electric guitar and will pick it up in the next few days(wasn't expecting to buy, but couldn't pass up the deal). Until I can get a suitable amp, will a bass amp suffice? Or, should I use the keyboard amp? At this time, I'll only be using it for practice. I can't imagine that there would be a problem with either choice, but again, it's what I don't know that I'm afraid of. So... your advice?


Thanks in advance.

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Either choice is safe. Try both see which sounds best. There are amps that were intended to be used as bass amps that are well liked as guitar amps (Fender Bassman and Supro Thunderbird come to mind). I don't know if that is true about keyboard amps, but since I think keyboard amps are portable PAs they would probably make a really good practice amp with a PodXT or a Vox Tonlab SE in front.

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both will be fine, but niether (neither) will provide any distortion or saturation.

you need:


1. an elec. gtr preamp to plug into the fx return of either amp

ex. ada mp-1, rocktron chameleon, johnson j station, line 6 pod, behringer v-amp.


2. a distortion/overdrive pedal to plug into the front end of the bass or key amp.

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