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Question regarding selling my Mesa (Please help!)


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I have a Mesa Triple Rectifier that I want to get rid of. Before I stopped using it, it was blowing fuses left and right. I'm not sure if it's an output transformer or a tube, but I don't have the time to get it checked out and repaired.


I'd like to sell it AS IS, even though I'm sure it's probably not too hard of a fix.


How much do you guys think I should be asking for? I paid $1400 for it a year ago


Things in mint condition, otherwise

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Hey man, you would be taking a huge hit trying to sell it like that. Why not just fix it? It's almost guaranteed it's a power tube.

Fixing it is easy and should take a few minutes. Grag a handful of fuses and a pair of replacement tubes. Connect the amp to a cab, turn it on, and look around the back. Now, while looking at the tubes, flip the standby switch to the playing position. You will probably hear a loud pop and see one tube flash. That's the bad tube. Replace that tube and the other in the pair, put a new fuse in, and things should be golden!!!

Spending a few minutes to do this will result in being able to make a few hundred more dollars on the sale, easy.

By the way, I think $1100-1300 or so is right for a used 3 channel triple in good condition.

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