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Replace V-30 for a creamier overdrive


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I basically like my Traynor 50. But that's because my last amp was a Peavey transtube 112.


Now I'm looking for other sounds. It has a V30 in it that is OK but boxy and a little harsh if you ask me.


Option 1) New speaker. Those Alnico Golds are supposed to be good? how about a greenback?


Option 2) Add a 2x12 cabinet. This might really shake things up. Hmmm, a closed back avatar 2x12 8ohm cab? Then I could run it with the combo speaker for a 4 ohm load. Plus, I would have a cab to try other heads with.


But I like to keep things simple. Carrying around another cab just makes the whole gigging thing less attractive.


I'll try some new tubes too...

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