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Bogner - Happy, Happy, Happy!


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Just a little update/follow up:


Well, I've had my 101b back from repair for about a week now and I have to say I'm very happy with this amp. I feel like I'm finally hearing what a Bogner is really supposed to sound like live.


To cap things off, the friend whose 101b I compared mine to just before I sent it off to Bogner the first time came over last night with his 101b so that we could compare again. The two amps sound almost identical. In fact, I think mine sounds a little better...could be because he hasn't changed his tubes in over two years and he's been playing out just about every weekend. He laughed at the slight difference and told me he's going to have to send his amp out to get it tweaked by his tech so that it edges mine out.


Anyway, the amp sounds fantastic!

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