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Will i get that mark series tone running a mesa studio into my laney GH50L


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Ive been listening to the new lamb of god alot recently and AJFA, and i just makes me want a Mesa mkIV. But i dont have the funds and i dont want to sell my laney.


So i was thining of picking up one of the studios, i run harma 6L6's in my laney if that helps.


worth getting?

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Ive been listening to the new lamb of god alot recently and AJFA, and i just makes me want a Mesa mkIV. But i dont have the funds and i dont want to sell my laney.

So i was thining of picking up one of the studios, i run harma 6L6's in my laney if that helps.

worth getting?



Boost the Laney, and run an EQ in the loop. You've already got a brutal amp, and obviously don't know it yet.


I've owned 2 Laney GH's (GH50L & GH100L), 5150, XXX, JSX, 2 Mesas, Splawn Quick Rod, Soldano, and 4 Marshalls. Trust me when I say, the Laney will hang with any of them, and cut like nobody's busines, IF you know what you're doing.


Ditch the 6L6's for E34L's, too.

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It's worth a shot, isn't it? The Mark poweramp might have a pretty big contribution on tone, though - Simul-class with all the voicing switches and such. Worse comes to worse, you can always just get a Mark IV and run it in stereo with your Laney. :eek:

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Got the job already, waiting to start. and earn good money!

The place i have my guitar lessons has a Cobra and a Dragon, been there a while so they might cut me a deal in a couple of months if they are still there.



The Cobra will give you the best of both worlds, IMO. Nice mids, plenty of grind.


Of course, in the states: Used GH50L = $500, used Cobra = $1500.

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