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SFX- Anyone recommend sample set or VSTi for drops, white noise, filter sweeps etc


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We're covering alot of current top 40 (Pitbull, Lady Gaga, David Guetta, Rhinana, LMFAO) in my band with two keyboard players and a variety of synths (Korg m3, Micro X, Virus C, Motif rack, Roland XP30). Four hands and a small mountain of gear. My bandmate takes care of most of the main parts and I handle alot of the dynamics... lead lines, arpeggios, drones, pedal tones, sub drops, sweeps...etc. I'm doing all of this on a variety of synths which requires alot of patch switching and jumping around from board to board. I'm pretty limited to the factory patches and sound I create. I'm hoping to find some better quality 'ready made' samples for many of these effects and trigger them using a Roland SP 404?



Any suggestions on quality sound fx I can purchase or download to provide transitions from song to song? There used to be a day I'd risk a full Viral Assualt just typing 'sub-drop' into Limewire... but those days are long gone. I don't mind paying for something that meets this need and helps to reduce some gear onstage.

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First I will try to not hold it against you for playing Lady Gaga or David what'sizname.

What about SFZ+? it's free from Cakewalk.

I really like it and all you need to do is find some SF2 files for free or buy a bundle somewhere.




Thanks... these are good places to start. :thu:


Please don't hold it against me... it $pays$ very well to play Lady Gaggle and Dave Gutterface... but beyond the cringe worthiness of wonton pop sensibilities, the music that backs those tracks are sometimes inventive and almost always listenable.


I was hoping for a more 'out of the box' solution because my time is extremely limited but maybe there aren't any. [idk]. But these are good avenues to start. I can always create some FX, sample them and then trigger them during the performance. My bandmate created this amazing sweeping portamento sequence using a Nord Lead. I'm looking for more of those types of sounds and textures that can be trigger via midi controller/sampler.

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