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Peavey Classic 30 Boost Switch


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No usuable distortion from mine either. I'm very interest in mods for this little beast too, but no one has responded yet. Anyone have any ideas to get this baby crankin' out some Rock Tone?



stick a boost in front of it, and crank the crap out of it?


i did that once and it was pretty nice!

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stick a boost in front of it, and crank the crap out of it?

i did that once and it was pretty nice!


i didn't feel like it needed a boost. i have my pre at 12 and my post at about 7when i'm jamming with a drummer and it sounds pretty damn good for the stuff i play. my EQ is bass 3, Mid 10 Treb: 12...played with a strat it has kinda a natural fuzziness too it, kinda like a QOTSA sound. me likes. :thu:

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There is some pretty good mods here

Scroll down till you see the Classic 30 mods.

I have done a few on mine, the boost switch is actually useable & gets pretty good gain & has a great clean channel.

I also run a G12H30 in the amp & the ext cab...



Did you mod the boost switch? Stock, mine sounds terrible, useless. Very good amp otherwise.

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Did you mod the boost switch? Stock, mine sounds terrible, useless. Very good amp otherwise.


Hey, I did the boost mods on the Blue guitar site, which made the boost switch usable & not so full on mids & highs with too much volume... Now when the boost switch is on it simply kicks in a bit of volume & mids (not too much though)


Im still yet to do the presence & master volume mod, but im pushing things aside to free up one saturday to mess with it. :thu:


I was playing last night & it still surpirses me! Sitting in a room with Marshalls it has it's own flavour for such a good value amp.

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