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Yamaha DX7S issue


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About a couple of years ago the backup battery in my beloved Yamaha DX7S died. I tried to replace the battery but it was difficult as I had to de-solder the battery from the board. I tried to do this unsuccesfully by replacing with the CR2032 battery holder and new CR2032 battery but it didn't work. I was wondering if I could get away with just buying a re-writable cartridge and every time I switch the DX7S on I just select the cartridge to access the sounds I created? Please advise

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The DX7 line (and most any synth containing a battery) will not work properly when the battery is dead. While you may store patches in a RAM cartridge, the DX7s still will not function correctly with a dead battery, there will be many other functions affected besides patch memory, such as lcd screen malfunctions, etc.


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