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How should i mod my new strat?


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As soon as the caparison is sold im getting another strat. Hopefully a Surf green/maple board beast like the one on ebay.


HH or HSS?


I currently have a HSS strat that is v versatile so this will just be a rock/metal guitar.


Any pickup suggestions?


Im considering bareknuckles at the moment or some more APC's as the ones i have are awesome. Or even the Suhr Aldrich set.

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Since you already have an HSS, get an SSS. IMO the most important strat mod is the EJ tone mod, simply wire the tone pot to the bridge pickup. I can't stand strat bridge pickups normally, but on my teachers EJ strat with the tone down its great.

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ive never used a tone knob, how will it affect the bridge?

I dont think SSS will cut it for slut banging metal?



I'd get an SSH configuration. I love me some single coils. Having a tone control for the bridge pickup is useful as it can get bright.


Are you looking for higher output single coils or more vintage type of deal?

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i already have SSH, i basically love the thick les paul tone but hate how they play and their shape, not comfortable at all for me. So im thinking Humbuckers + i want a little more saturation than maiden as my bands music is although influenced by them, a little more modern sounding.

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The only HH strat guitar I ever had was an ESP M-II. It had a Duncan '59 in the neck and JB in the bridge. It had an alder body. The '59 in the neck sounded really good! IT had that sort of "boatiness" when soloing, very smooth but with just enough bite. The JB was bright but a good kind of bright. It sounded very full in the guitar. The guitar rivaled my Edwards LP in terms of thickness.

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ive never used a tone knob, how will it affect the bridge?

I dont think SSS will cut it for slut banging metal?



Basically, instead of it being quacky and sharp, its nice and smooth. Think eric johnson tone. If you want higher gain tones put in some nice humbucking dimarzio strat replacements. I say air norton neck, super distortion bridge, not sure about the middle.

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