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JMP1 - help??


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Hi to all.


I'm new to this forum.......

I need some help regarding my JMP1 preamp......I've had it for 12 years and I love it!!!!! I've read a lot of interesteing things about it on this forum and would like some advice......


My original rig was the JMP1,Valvestate 8008 power amp, Quadraverb GT and Marshall JCM 900 box....Pretty good sound....Later I replaced the 8008 with a boogie 2020 and that sounded just awesome......I took a 4 year break from music to get married and make babies!!!!! Since then I've gone to a more compact solution. I still have the JMP1 and quadraverb running into the Power amp Input on my Fender hotrod deluxe.....The sound surprises all who hear it......


My guitars are a Jeff Beck Strat(early version), Les paul deluxe and a custom made tele with the vintage "noiseless" pickups.


My questions are:-


1/ What actually is the "Voodoo" mod for the JMP1. I'm from Australia so no one I've spoken to is aware of it?? Is it possible to get some technical info or schematic for it.....


2/ On the preamp itself, which tube is for the clean channel and which is for the OD channel. Having said that has anyone experimented with different tubes(12ax7,12at7,12au7 etc) to get a different tone??


I have been very happy with the preamp, especially its versatility. I get good clean and OD sounds with all my guitars but the voodoo mod sounds interesting. All help would be appreciated.




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