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Merry Old England


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Don't know if you guys from the States or elsewhere share my gripe, but nowhere within a 100 mile radius of house is there a music store that has a decent selection of amps or guitars to try. If you like Marshalls, Gibsons and Fenders great. But I read a lot of threads on here about Orange Rockerverbs, Laney VH100, Mesa's etc and all I have to go on if I'm looking to buy (and I am looking to buy) is your guys comments and sound clips. Not that your comments and clips aren't appreciated but sound is all about individual taste and sound clips are a complete lucky dip cause Christ knows how the guitar's have been recorded/produced etc.

If anyone out there shares my pain, perhaps we should all club together to finance our own music store. Ran by the rockers, for the rockers. We could call it "Darthmako Land of Axes" or something.

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