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MW-1 and Redeemer - Now a MUST have in between my guitar and ANY amp....


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I have been too busy in a while to frequent the boards... but I made a discovery that I couldn't keep from coming back to tell you guys about!


Ok... though I know and like Michael Wagener quite well.... I have no financial stake in these products. Just so you know this isn't some dealer spam.


Michael (amazing producer/engineer who has produced, engineered, and/or mixed some of your favorite records: Ozzy, Skid Row, Kings Ex, Motley Crue, and many, many others) has been telling me about these things from Creation Audio Labs called the Redeemer. You can check out the website here: http://www.creationaudiolabs.com/


I have tried various gadgets and trickeries over the years... but settled in on either George-L cable, or for a REALLY long run either an Alan Smart Guitar system, or Radial Labs Tone Bone switcher with their "drag" circuit in it, or a combination of the two, to maintain my "tone" between the guitar and amp over long distances or when using my switching system (using the GCX these days).


Well... the MW-1 changed everything. It has the "redeemer" built in. The redeemer using wizardry far beyond my pay grade to eliminate the issue of cable size or quality between your guitar in your amp! And yes... it WORKS! It also adds clarity and quality to the signal as well. Once you have used it... you won't want to go back.. EVER! I was skeptical... but no more. I mean even after Michael told me how Ty (from Kings-X) was freaking over the redeemer... I never checked it out.


Now... I am a believer! I recently picked up the new MW-1 which is the ultimate D.I., guitar re-amp box, and front end tone shaping device I have ever experienced!!


The MW-1 allows you to change the input and output impedence coming from the guitar AND going to the amp. It gives you a direct line out for going into yoru recorder so, you can later re-amp. It also takes a line in, and converts it back to "guitar level" so you can re-amp... with no noise, hum, issues, period.


Anyway.... here is a review I wrote on Gearslutz... and I wanted to put it here too. The redeemer isn't that expensive... the MW-1 is fairly expensive... but I will never do studio or live again without it. Amazing!!




I tried it first going into my Randall LynchBox/MTS (modular) head, then my Voodoo Labs modded Marshall JCM-900 (unbeliveably great amp), then my old modded 70's silver face bassman (through a silvertone 2 x 12 with Mojo speakers in it).


It is very, very, very cool on the first two amps (specially with the vox, fender, and 1086 modules), but did utterly amazing things to the bassman! The input and output impedence knobs are just amazingly cool for tone shaping. I got sounds that I had never gotten with anything else!


The clean boost is super cool too. This bassman is modded such that the right channel is set back to blackface specifications, and the left channel is changed over to a Marshall 2205 circuit. The output section has been changed over to EL-34's. :)


The marshall side has not ever given a full high gain crunch sound (though it does have a seperate gain knob now from the mod)... it's much closer to a plexi than anything. I usually use a Keeley modded SD-1 in front of it if I want higher gain. With the MW-1, the clean boost gave me an AMAZINGLY cool sound! With the amp set for a crunch sound that still was just moderately dirty on single coils, I used the clean boost to add gain. A little gave me a FULL on AC/DC sound that is as close as any I have ever heard. Nailed the tone. A lot gave me an overly pushed, "I am about to explode" sound that was hendrix and then some! Amazing for a pushed overdriven lead sound! Just amazing! I did put the Keeley back in front of the MW-1 and I loved the combination of those two. Very, very amazing tone for higher gain, and lead stuff.


The input impedence knob gave me the most tonal change. I found on most amps and with most guitars, I liked it almost all the way open... if not all the way open. Rolling back much sounded like just a bad cable. But rolling back some (before it got too dark) was very, very cool. The output imedience knob didn't have much audible effect on the high gain randall, or marshall rigs, but on the bassman... whoa! It really is very useful and did something very different from the input impedence. On this rig it seemed to add a 3rd dimension and did very cool things to the midrange presence of the sound.


The D.I. does sound amazing! Definitely my favorite of the bunch. I haven't started messing with using it to take guitar level effects up to professional level... but hopefully next week on some rock stuff I am doing I will have that opportunity.


Just having this box in between the guitar and the amp totally negated the 25 feet or so of cable that was between them here in the studio (I was in the control room, the amps in an iso room connected by a long George-L run). It sounded slightly better than standing right in front of the amp with a 3ft cable! I know this because I did a couple takes with me using the short cable... then the MW-1 and long cable and listened back.


Anyway..... what an amazing box! I will write more when I can, and when I have gotten to dig into it more!


Do yourselves a favor and check this stuff out. I guarantee you will fall in love with your amps all over again.

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