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New Chill/Ambient Track Please Check OUT!!!!!

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I never thought of the descriptions as pretentious before you said somthing. But now that I read them I understand what you mean. I am not really a good writer. I suck ass with words. I am going to have my freind help me with this part of my page. Thank you for your honesty. I did not mean to make the music sound better than it is or add glamour to it.

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Originally posted by collectiveunconcious

I never thought of the descriptions as pretentious before you said somthing. But now that I read them I understand what you mean. I am not really a good writer. I suck ass with words. I am going to have my freind help me with this part of my page. Thank you for your honesty. I did not mean to make the music sound better than it is or add glamour to it.



I didn't mean to sound insulting with that comment, so I hope I didn't offend. I just have a very low threshold for fluffy prose and overblown imagery. It's something I put to work in the lyric to my song "Hipster For A Day."

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Originally posted by kevinjDBK

Nice arrangement..very colorful..

what are you using to program the drums? (mainly the afex twin/squarepusher zipper thing)


Thank you for the Compliments. It is kind of a trick that I figured out on my own, I would be happy to tell you but not posted here I don't want the secret to spread to much. But if you e-mail me at sstrong@reptilian.org I will tell you. Kinda Jerry Rigged though you might laugh.. :)

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Here's what I think.


1. The intro is way too long...I know it's an ambient piece, but the lack of melody in the beginning gave me nothing to "hook" onto to get drawn in. It was cool for about 20-30 seconds, and then after that, I was ready for the song to move on.


2. You seem to have a knack for utilizing effects in your songs - do more of that. Filter sweeps, swells, all of that stuff is good when not overdone, and is very effective at keeping the listener interested. This is where ambient gets hard. It's like background music for the foreground, you know? You've got to write melodically, but still within the bounds of the ambient realm...too much, and you're techno.


3. More melody. I know I already said this, but it needs more melodies. I need a reason to keep listening, and chords won't do it for me. Melody is the tour guide through a peice of music that guides you through different emotions and moods. In ambient music, without a strong melody, you're just listening to chords over a drum track, and anybody can do that.


So, that's all I have to offer for now. I know how it is trying to get critiques of your stuff. I've been trying on this board for a few weeks now trying to get people to listen but not everyone has the time. I'll make it (as long as you want it), out of respect for my fellow writers. If you'd like, tell me what you think of my stuff. My band's music is here: http://www.mp3.com/joshgoodeband and my home produced stuff is here: http://www.mp3.com/mrtasty It's not ambient, and it's not electronic, but you may get a feel for where I'm coming from. I do write ambient music, but not enough for me to justify putting a site up just yet.


Thanks, and keep writing!


- J

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