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What tube amp for metal..........sensibly priced please!!!


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Right then


I play EMG 81/85 pup guitars through a marshall MG50 dfx


The OD channel gives quite a lot of crunch but seems to lack depth. Distortion boxes through the clean channel sound a bit too crisp and i cannot seem to get the metal sound i want.....which is plenty of meat on the power chords but retaining the clarity for slower work....(think slayer: seasons in the abyss)


Thought i might try a valve amp to see if i could get the sound i want.


I was looking at the marshall JCM800 tsl amps....would these be any better??


I cannot afford any of those mesa boogies i see.......

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I have he valve king head too. with SD jb/59 combo its a very crisp sound but get rid of the {censored} valves in it. I replaced my preamp valves with zovtek and whoa...what a difference!!! I only run the distortion on about 5-6 gain too.

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