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Writer's block

Red Mosquito

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All I can tell you is just realize it happens, and there is nothing you can do to stop writers block from happening. You will get out of it, but you can also speed up the process a little.


1. Listen to different types of music.


2. Take a break from music altogether. If the block is severe, I usually take time off from listening, writing, and playing. If it is moderate, just writing and playing. If it is a minor block, I still practice, but I don't write.


3. Get out and enjoy life. You just may not have anything good to write about.


Have you played any sports at a serious level before? I used to play baseball, and writers block is alot like getting into a hitting slump. Nothing you can do to prevent yourself getting into it, but you will always get out of it.

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Everybody will deal with writer's block in their own way. The most important thing is not to try to bulldoze over it and take a piss on its grave. It's got more balls than you.


Just relax. If you can play music while relaxing, great, because you might just jam out that little melody that will get you started again.


Otherwise, just enjoy life. Most likely you'll find that something will happen, or you will remember something that causes you to think of something you want to write about.


Writer's block is really a blessing in disguise, as it gets disgustingly irritable musicians (me) to go beyond the piano stool and enjoy existence.

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I go through the same thing every 3-4 months....


1. Oh God! I can't write anything!! I'm no good! I'll never write a good song, ever, ever again!


2. Later...I'm fine, and have written something better than I ever could have come up with. It always happens to me. I never see it coming, but it always happens. Most of the time it lasts a week or so, sometimes more. At it worst, it was about 6 months...but, I always came out on the other end with much, much better music. Just step away, take a toke, and enjoy. The song will find you when it's ready to come out...promise.


- J



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I usually go and see a play at a theater. Seriously, I've done it a few times, and when I come home, I'm usually all touched and emotionally moved by the play, and I'll write, at least a little something. That works for me, because I tend to get really deep into plays and good movies...

Other than that, I agree with mrtasty's remark: The song will find you when it's ready, and it will only take longer if you worry about it all the time.


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life is the source of everything we write about... it just means you need to live out your existence a bit more.


all of the advice above is good, and sustains what i'm saying here... you are in a good place and 'writers block' is a healthy indicator of that.


when we can't think of anything to write about, it's time to live a little... or maybe a lot more.


enjoy life!



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