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Engl Invader 100


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I tried the 150 out at chuck levins and liked it though I do not usually like midi stuff. the more stuff like that on an amp the more that can go wrong. I found it to have an open rock tone. You know an Engl will do metal, but I want one that will also do some good ol Rainbow, Purple, UFO etc. Vinnie Moore, Steve Morse, Scorpions are all using them now. Are the SE and the Invader the only really open sounding Engls? I've heard some of the other models lacked touch dynamics. Who has some time on Engls amps? Opinions please. It is between Fuchs, CAE OD100, Engl which amp will be my next. I need ample gain. I do not want to rely on a pedal for gain. I allready do that with my JCM800.

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fuchs frost 100 is nice , the invader 100,blackmore can do what you want, i liked the invader 100 better than the 150, ive played the 150 they have at chucks and i didnt care for it, but i also got to try a 100 and its the same amp but more balanced with its tone and sounded better at lower vol and i liked the fact that the bright switch worked for all 4 ch. theres some good info on the invader 100 if you do a search.

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