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lyrics up for review please


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i suppose the closest style i could refer to singing this as is that of a perfect circle or tool, though it is really more my own. feedback on the lyrics please!


When you're not around I'm struggling like a fish out of water,

Like I've struggled all the days before.

Gasping for a breath, living only for the breathing

That comes from the air that is just barely there.

I know you've struggled, and it's okay, as long as we don't care.

We're two fish oblivious to the ocean

We're swimming around and around in together,

Trying to breathe while we break the surface.

Sharing these precious moments in the light,

The dark envelopes us, trusting that we are both there.

Gasping again and again, reaching that crescendo of only moments left

Until we must return to the sea,

Glancing over our shoulders as we wash up on the shore.

This next kiss will take us down underwater, and when our lips part the bubbles will rise,

Ascending to something higher than the depths of the deep where we've rested before.

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To me there's too much use of the word struggle in the 1st part of the song. Overall they're not bad but maybe put them down for a few days and come back to them with a fresh mind to see where you could clean things up. I'm no great lyricist so that's what helps me trash the not so good lines while retaining the idea and possibly writing better lines.

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