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help newbee with guitar chord progressions


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Greetings from the new guy Rabbidgerbal


COuld someone post some very basic chord progressions that sound nice that a **Very new guy** guitarist can strum for practice and enjoyment.


Please don't go deep into music theory, it's rather confusing for a new guy... just post say 2-5 chords that might sound good together in order. maybe mimic some of the sounds of modern/classic songs.


Like is a classic 50's one this?:


G Em C D


what would you say are the 6 most common chords for the guitar used in songs? would it be something like:


E Em A Am C D G


Thanks for all your time and posts.

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Do you mean acoustic chords? I mess around with Am, Em, Am, C, G, Dm, Am a lot, with just the regular open chords. Another one if you're into grunge-type distortion is (all major) D, F#, D, F#, E, G, (power chords on the A string). That can set you up to add all sorts of other chords.


The thing to do is to look at the chords (use the OLGA search on H.C.) for your favorite songs, and see what they do, and once you have a feel for different sorts of music, you'll know what chords in what order will sound a certain way.

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The Rabbidgerbal is very new to guitars and to understanding music. There seems like a lot to it. :eek: not only learning chords but how they fit together and what key your in...


The Frothing one figured people writing their own stuff would have a feel for chords played in a row that are from different styles of music.


A version of this is also posted in the learning guitars forum where many guitarists were kind enough to get into stuff too, if there are any other new people trying to wrap their minds around chords, how they fit together, and keys.

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