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New song (political)


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This song is called force fed pride...I think you can gather the meaning. The "-" is where a chorus or some kind of pace change will go, but I dont know what to put there yet.


cherished by no one but those who push

i'll give no pledge to corporate symbols

Live the lie that its not force fed pride

Your beaming outside

Within your dying


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Dammit, Knucles...stop it before I come down with ameobic dysentery!


THINK!!!!! Go ahead and think on your own!


Who is force-feeding you pride? The post-9-11 rush to buy flags wasn't a product of corporate America, it was people realizing that Bush and Gulliani were right when they said it was an attack on all of us, and together we would make it through. You had a choice to say "f*** that"--nobody was ramming it down your throat. It was the American flag, symbol of the place where you live, not a "corporate symbol"; it wasn't a flag that said MicroSoft or had golden arches on a field of red that we all rallied behind!


Who told you to feel pride or else? You're probably pissed off because you feel guilty about being so 'individual' that you pulled a Hillary Clinton and shrugged off any thought of responsible nationalism.


You want to think for yourself? You did. Congratulations. You even wrote a song about it, better than your last one in how its put together, but with lyrics that cry "help, I can't think past a high-school sophomore level!"



Your Biggest Critic

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i believe it was Bill Mahar who said "Put an American flag out, it IS the least you can do." If as many americans read up on foreign policy and acted accordingly that bought flag paraphenalia, America might not be so hated...our gov't would have to answer for the actions it takes abroad rather than do whatever while a bunch of naive americans run around looking for the coolest flag wondering why anyone could ever dislike america.


there's my little commentary on your lyrical content, i most agree with the overall attitude, but the corporate thing doesn't really make sense if you are referring to american nationalism...at least not to me upon first inspection. as for the structure and such, i think the rhyme scheme is a little basic for my tastes. phrases like feel-real are kind of cliche'd. on the upside, i liked your way of saying "Get me to this hopeful place I drew". overall, i think its a fair song.

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Tanis! Whats your problem?? :)


Anyway guys, no, I'm not one of those anti-American guys. I dont hate this country. But I'm not pro-America in any sense. If I had to choose one, it'd be anti.


The song is not about flags, I could give a {censored} about the literal flags. The line "I'll give no respect to corporate symbols," was referring to the flag, but not the purchasing of it. Just what it stands for. Basically I think that America is one of the better places to be in the world. But better doesnt mean good.


The "force" comes from when I dont stand for the flag salute, other students saying {censored}...one teacher even went as far as to make me write an essay as to why I didnt stand for it (not assigning anything to those who do stand for it). And damn, around here you can't say ANYTHING is wrong with America without people jumping down your throat. I dont mean the board, I mean where I live. The overload of "either your with us or yoo'sa terrorist" feel I got from news media didnt help either.


"help, I can't think past a high-school sophomore level!"


Thanks bro. Especially considering I AM in high school...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by incubass

i most agree with the overall attitude, but the corporate thing doesn't really make sense if you are referring to american nationalism...at least not to me upon first inspection.



Well. Honestly it was a last minute add in that wasn't necessary, thanks.

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i got ya dude. i am pretty much in agreement with ya on your american stance. when i was in high school, there was a period of time where i didn't stand for the pledge, and people gave me crap for it as well. i get lumped into the "anti-american" category as well b/c i don't agree mindlessly with whatever our gov't says.Just live your convictions and don't worry about other people's perceptions. Learn about your convictions though so that when people criticize you, you'll be equipped to explain your position.

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