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Will these work for POD use? Do they let a lot of sound out? I'm looking for a phone that will let some sound in, but not a lot of sound out (semi-closed?).


Also it needs to be comfortable to wear, have the cord on one side only (no Y-cords) and have a fairly neutral sound balance, but i wouldn't mind some punch in the bass range. Also i need one i can listen to for a while without ear fatigue and a phone that will last a while.



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Yeah i read around a bit and the general consensus is that the bass could be a little bloated and the treble a little subdued, but that the comfort is superior and the seal works the way i like it. I tend to overemphasize bass and underemphasize treble when i record anyway so it might turn up okay. I got a great deal on them so i could just not pass them off.

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