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Buying a new amp...


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So i have been playing with a Marshall G100 100 watt solid state head with a peavy 2x12 cab for about 3 months now with the band and have liked it, well sorta.


It seems that i cant get a good clean sound out of it.


So the other day i went and played a gig at a small bar with the guys and brough my blues Jr because it was easier to lug and better sound for the venue, etc..


I am tired of solid state! I want to sell/trade the head and cab for a good 2 speaker fender amp


What is a good price for a used...


Twin Reverb

Princeton (are these tube)

dual reverb


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I play Progressive, Psychedelic Rock, Blues, Jam band. To describe it a bit.


I love fender amps, i always have so i would prefer to keep with them. I play a strat


Price range whatever you think i could get for what i currently have + around $200

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