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Songwriting Lessons


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you can't learn it...


you have to discover it and then shape it,

look for inspiration, it' all around

stop, feel, listen, observe


emotional distress helps too, getting dumped by girl or other personal tragedy can be turned in to young artist's best friend MUSE

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Originally posted by gc8jdmsti

you can't learn it...

you have to discover it and then shape it,

look for inspiration, it' all around

stop, feel, listen, observe

emotional distress helps too, getting dumped by girl or other personal tragedy can be turned in to young artist's best friend MUSE




What he said.


I've never found any resources that actually helped in my songwriting. It's basically a lot of hit and miss. A lot of writing crap, thinking it's decent, realizing it's only crap, starting over again, and writing more crap.

But eventually you begin to learn how to really write what you feel in a musical way. Ultimately it's a lot of hard work if you want to be good at it. ;)

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Songwriting is often like a process of distillation. Your first few songs will be awful. But you still need to write them anyway, because you need to understand what makes them bad.


My first songs were filled with cliches, bad rhymes, and they also strayed too far from the point I was originally trying to make.


As gc8jdmsti said, personal pain and the view you take of it can be really important. Your inspiration is your raw material. If it runs out, you either need to find some more, or go out of business.


Another bit of advice is to listen to the great songwriters. They show you the craft of songwriting, and the mechanics and structure of it.


I would say songwriting is 70% technical, and 30% personal. But I'd also say that the 30% of personality that you inject is usually the eternity between a poor song, and a classic.

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