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Barack Obama


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Ah, the normal response. Thanks me and a friend were doing a study on what Christians and non Christians thought about Barack Obama and with all the rumours coming out about him being the anti christ we had to research it. I told them.... I know the perfect place to get the response we'd need. And just as predicted you guys fullfilled that. haha This place is full of the most ignorant dumbass people I've ever came in contact with. Peace!

Holy {censored}. Just when I thought humanity couldn't possibly get any more idiotic.


This thread is {censored}ing sad.

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I had this young girl and boy, probably in their teens (HEY don't get excited you sick {censored}s!!! :mad: ) Anyway, I'm sitting there having my coffee with the don't {censored} with me face and sure enough they come over to bug. They start by showing me two {censored}en cards & ask me which one is bigger (Hey, sick {censored}s, I thought I told you not to get excited!). I pick one and then the little female turd puts them on top of each other and says they're the same size. She proceeds into this religious rant asking me if I've ever lied? I should have said NO Bitch, I don't lie (which is a lie). Spouting out the 10 Commandments, etc., saying if I ever lied I'm going to hell, Yada, Yada, Yada. I let them do this sh*t to me because I'm not really a true asshole, meanwhile I'm thinking in my head, "way to go stupid {censored}s, try to get someone's attention by straight pulling out a magic trick? The lowest form of manipulation and deception known to man!? Some older dude was sitting two seats down to watch them and make sure they're doing their job, he looked like a their fricken pimp!? Sick! I find that {censored} weak and sick. A low manipulation that's just plain rude! At least Jehova's witnesses come to your door and give you the option to shut it in their face, I couldn't very well run away with a hot {censored}en latte!! :mad:

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