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Is going from a legacy to XTC a big step up or no?

Daniel Kamerman

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I disagree as I've owned 2 brand-new XTC 101B amps... as have others on this board who agree with me. There have been changes made.

Unless you have played a newer model, how can make an accurate comparison?






Because I have one. (newer model)




...and because I've spoken with Reinhold. Just because a few people on this board agree with you doesn't make it fact...sorry, I'll take his word over rumors on this board. Conjecture and speculation rule the day 'round these parts. The voicing mod(der) you mentioned earlier occured in 2004, when that particular individual worked there. (I'm pretty sure you and I are speaking of the same guy.) There was a time when the Ecstasy's were being shipped with different tubes because of QC problems...perhaps that's what caused the difference in tone.

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I wouldn't be buying new. I found one on craigslist for 2700, but still, that's a lot of dough.




If it has the A/AB option, that's a decent price...if not, it wouldn't be the highest price ever paid for a used one. (But you could probably do a little better than that.)

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I did the same thing Legacy to XTC. To me it was no comparison. However I did really like the Legacy and still think it is one of the best values around.

Th cleans are comparable, but after that no contest.

The XTC is in another league.



Having owned both at the same time.

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No... actually it's mid-2006. Trust me

The high gain mod was added in 2004, but then sometime in the middle of 2006 the 101B was again changed. Some credit the change to a certain amp tech that worked, but it was never confirmed. The newest 101B models are brighter, and a bit tighter sounding, especially on the red channel. Also the red channel now has even more gain available than in previous versions. I had a brand new 2007 101B and it sounded totally different than my 2005 101B, and even when tried side to side with my friend's 101B, it was a night and day difference. Ask J.B. who is a member here, who just got a new 2007 101B his opinion. All amp companies update/change circuit designs... sometimes they tell customers other times they don't. Check out a brand new 101B and get back to me.

Hey Wiz not meaning any disrespect but I can 110% assure that there have not been any revisions to the xtc since August of 2004 besides changing a few slots in the preamp to Sovtek LPS and some relays in the switching. I've played a 2006 and a early 2007.

August 2004 they revoiced the Red Channel and sometime in 2005/2006 they changed the fixed pwr cord to a detachable cord.

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I called Bogner a couple weeks back as well and was told that the mid 2004 Ecstasy's are the same amp as the new ones, except for some very minor changes to parts which don't affect tone. He listed the parts that were updated but I don't remember the names...relays, maybe? one or two others...



Yes, there were a few relays changed after 2004 in the switching due to the current relays not being available anymore.

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