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One of the largest and potentially deadliest fault systems in the world runs right down the Mississippi. There was an earthquake there in the 1800's that many geologists believe was the largest in American history, but this is only based on estimations. Due to the fact that 0 preparations have been made for earthquakes in the midwest, when the big one hits, it's gonna be bad.

That said, I'd take earthquakes over tornados any day. I've been through both, and tornados are the only thing that inspires 'wrath of god' type fear in me.

Glad no one really got hurt though.



The New Madrid (that's MA-drid, not muh-DRID) fault. The 1812 earthquake was estimated at 7.9-8.0 on the richter scale. The quake this morning was on the Wabash fault, which is in the same system.

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