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Listen to my song PLZ

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Hey all. I just finished up this song and I figured I'd post to get some feedback. It's a sort of dancey poppy song. Please don't judge the lyrics (or "songwriting" aspect) of the song too harshly, as they're most just there so I can have something to sing. It's supposed to be a fun song :(.


Anyway, you can listen to it here:




Comments and criticisms would be much appreciated.



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I like it--it's weird. I like the two different sections, though neither one especially stands out as a chorus. You might want to bridge the together a little bit; they sound kind of like two completely different songs. Give them something in common to carry through.


I'd also think about putting in a C section, as it gets a bit predictable going back and forth between the two.


Finally, I'd ease up on the distortion on the vocals. I realize that the vocals are not the focal point, but the heavy distortion actually drew my attention to the vocal, because I was trying to figure out what you were saying. I like that it is distorted, I'd just dial it down a bit.


A lot of cool sounds, clear sense of humor, I liked it!

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Very interesting. Not the average fare. I don't usually go for this type of music, but this has a nice listenable quality to it.


Keep up the good work.


By the way, I have a friend in NY who does electronica, you kind of remind me of him. Check it out, you might like it:


Mocha Lab


Not trying to get you to buy it, I just thought it might be something you'd like.

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