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Hi, I'm quite new here (number of replies I mean)

I'm from Poland and I've been working on theatre music and some poetry song writing.

I would appreciate your comments on what you find on www.stawczyk.com in mp.3 section "Muzyka teatralna" or

"Spektakl muzyczny".

Sorry it's in Polish only but there has been no need do put it this way so far...maybe you will encourage me to do it (though one song "I'm still going" is in English :)

Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the board...Guys just click on "MP3" in the upper right hand corner of his page. After that I don't know what it says but is definetly a list of songs.


I listened to 3 songs and from what I could tell they were all recorded very well. My favorite was just the piano with a woman singing-it was very mellow, almost soothing-although I have no idea what she was saying. Absolutely beautiful voice and the piano sound great too! Good song though, it was by far my favorite.


the second song I heard was very techno sounding and while it was very good quality wise-it's just not my taste.


The third song I heard had a very long intro and I couldn't just get into it-it seemed like it might go the techno route as well. I'm sure it was supposed to be part of the song but there was a clicking in my right speaker that just wouldn't stop. I can appreciate the keyboard parts on this song though. very nicely done.

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ok, thanks for the replies. yes, upper right and mp3. thanks for the comment on woman's voice. it's great isn't it?

if you're confused by the Polish names (sorry for no English again) i'll help you with some navigation within Polish names. Hope your appraciate it :)...i will still appraciate your comments, so:



"Muzyka elektroniczna" - electronic music

"Visible Silence" - electronic project with some ambient feeling

"Muzyka Teatralna" , - music for plays/theatre

"Spektakl", - music for plays/theatre

"Spektakl muzyczny" - music for plays/theatre

i'm particularly interested in your comments on theatre/plays issue that i'm really into.


I do appraciate your attention. It's great to read comments from the other side of "big water" :)

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I'm listening to "I'm Still Going". I would definitely put a more dynamic track as the first on the list. After listening to at least a minute of static and other ambient noise, I'm not interested in the least in going on to the rest of your music (That spoken as Joe Listener, not Chicken Monkey the Sensitive Forumite).


Once the actual song starts in, it's a bit better, but a bit too Yanni. The pads are bland and the whispery vocals are a bit cliche. The piano that comes in is pretty cool. It would be good background music, but it's hard to evaluate background music.

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