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What's so great about jan philips 12ax7wa?


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I pulled 5 of these out of my triple recto and I'm gonna swap them because I'm not impressed with the tone... the gain just doesn't sound like a rectifier and I think the preamp tubes are the culprit. It's loaded with jj 6l6 power tubes so I don't think it's them. Should I keep some in and only replace a couple? I don't really know what to do... Thoughts?

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I find that most NOS preamp tubes work best in vintage amps and/or amps with a fairly simple and/or streamlined preamp circuit.I have several NOS Philips 12AX7A tubes and find them to work very well in Fender and Vox type amps,and not so well in Mesa/Boogies and the like.I think that it might have something to do with how cascading gain circuits compress and manipulate the tonal structure,rendering a NOS tubes "advantages" somewhat mute.



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I'm thinking about keeping 3 in and having a high gain jj 12ax7 in V1 and a balanced one in V5. Think that will make it sound better?




Yeah,give it a shot,as the V1 position is usually the most critical tube for shaping an amp's overall tonal signature.



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they are a very smooth and creamy sounding tube not really for agressive music...




I used one in V1 of my Legacy and it was an awesome sounding tube. I ended up swapping it for a Chinese 9th Gen cos' the Legacy doesn't need any help being smooth :thu:

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