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New clip, drop-D metal: "Vitamin D"


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Overall, good job. I like the little wails on the guitar you throw in there. My only problem with this is the rhythmic repetitiveness. I think it'd be more interesting if you threw in some half time parts, or perhaps have a section with more triplets, or a '1 and uh, 2 and uh, 3 and' feel. The sound is pretty nice, but I just feel the song doesn't hold the listener's interest as well as it could. There's my two cents anyhow.

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Interestingly enough I have to disagree with Floophead here. Typically, when there is no melody/vocal line its hard to hold my interest for very long. However, I thought that you changed around the guitar riffs enough to where it kept my interest. Very nicely done.


If I have to be picky though I would say that the snare could use a little EQ'ing (atleast on my cheap computer speakers). But overal not a huge deal.


I also checked out Scatterbrain while on your site and it too was good. It also held my attention. Although I don't think I could listen to an entire cd of the same songs. There would definitely have to be some melody in most of them.


Overall, good job though keep up the good work.

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Thanks! I can't do much with the drum sounds, though. I'm using the Line 6 RiffTracker. It's real simple, which is what I wanted for my first dive into the home recording pool.


For a little variety from me, check out "Digital Belch".

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Hmm, well I listened to it again. I believe I can clarify a little more. The guitar riffs are interesting enough to hold my attention now. I guess since I was listening late at night it all started to blend together cause I was little tired. Now that I'm awake though, I can safely say that the overall sound is pretty good, and yes I agree with Geno about the snare EQ, something just seems a little awkward about it. I think Geno correctly put what I really wanted to say - that more than 1 song like this would get boring. I do think in terms of an album this'd be a good break track from a melodic/vocal set. However in listening to it I think I'd change the EQ on the cymbal you're riding on in some parts of the song (can't tell if that's a crash/ride, splash or whatever cause I know squat about percussion, that's why my drummer just does his own thing). If you know which one I'm talking about - yah it seems a little too out there in the mix. But that could just be my opinion.


Anyways, good job overall still, and btw I love the sound of the guitar.

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