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Preamp tubes, for Valveking head, opinions?


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I sent a request for a dark modern sounding as I'm wanting a new tube setup in the pre section to a popular dealer of tubes here, he recommended tubs for 4 postions, but the valveking head only has 3. I was wondering, based on his recommendation, what you guys thought about this?


a Tung-Sol reissue in V1, Penta Labs 12aX7 in V2 a JJ ECC83S in V3? I have no experience with the Penta Labs, or mixing tubes like this in the preamp (I always just stuck to one kind!).

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mixing pre tubes is fine, it's not like having a matched set of power tubes. I guess sovtek LPS for the V4 was recommended? The V3 should be the PI in your case if there is only 3 tubes.


I would go with all 4 and see which sounds better in V2, the Penta or JJ. Good idea to have a spare preamp tube anyway, just in case.

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