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from out of my basement into your ears


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so after having been shown the light by many many 80's and 90's indie bands that amazing musicianship + melodies can be captured with lower-fi production values, i bought a presonus firepod for around 400 bucks, bough two shure SM57's, and recorded myself playing a bunch of {censored} in my basement with cubase. this has been the product so far; i feel that if you want to like it, you'll like it, yet maybe it's not as easy to dismiss as i fear it is...



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Sounds good production-wise (I pretty much have a similar one man set-up, although I use quite a bit of midi sounds), my initial reaction to your song Muscle C**t is that it is perhaps too long. Kick in with verse and chorus earlier and shorten the breakdown a bit. Just my opinion. Otherwise cool stuff.


I have some songs at http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Artists/View.aspx?artistid=8252


if you want to slam on my stuff.

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