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Check out my Tech-Metal Electro Song...(Mark IV, ENGL SE)


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So I've been posting lots of tunes for people to check out off my new record "In Defiance of Science." Every time I've posted a song I've been rebuffed with "DUDE THAT DOESN'T BRING TEH BR00tALZ" So at long last I'm showing off the most metal thing I got.




check out the second song titled "The Protracted Failure" and if its not metal enough for you then I seriously don't know what you define as metal, and I'm sure I want nothing to do with what you consider metal as well.


Past that, same ol' same ol'


Disk is available in Hot Topic (OMG I R 2 COOL TO SHOP THURR, SELLOUT!) nationwide as of yesterday and I'm embarking on a large tour in support of this record, feel free to hit me up via Teh Myspace and we can chill and talk gear on the road. I'll explain to you in depth why PRS is better then everything and why I use a rack system live dispite everyone going "..but dude, its so {censored}in' 80's"



SMB Lead Asshole/Guitarist.

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