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gah song structure!

I Eat Winos

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Hello brand new internet buddies! yes sir im brand spanking new here on this lovlllley forum and you people are my new internet buddies. Like it or not. I love you. Every single one! What a lovley place to share my suburban angst


so riddle me this? whos tired of traditional song structure. 90% percent of the songwriting im hearing all seems to follow the same forumula...verse chourus verse chorus then somthing a bit more intersting...a solo a build up of sorts some sort of break down then shizam! another chorus...of course there is always variation...feeling crazy lets start that song with the chorus. And of course you cant forget throwing in a good ol' prechourus...maybe even after the chorus...ooo tricky...just to drive that hook home...


dag freakin cat shoestring pickle pot ronald mcdonald nabbit it drives me up the freakin wall!


Whos with me?


For me song writing like this seems to destroy songs that could be great...and it makes me sad...like an emo kid with a broken microwave...even if its always building it just seems to go where it should...And I'm pretty tired of songs doing what they should


Who gets off on total annihilation of song structure? And im not talking about getting crazy complicated prog rock going...im saying lets make that song connect make it flow make it hooky even make it poppy...just dont do it how you think it should be done...take everything you've learned and throw it out the window.


Somtimes i just want engourged in feedback flanges swirling around me filters making the guitar sound like its going to peel the paint off the walls and the skin off my face...I admit im a sonic mushhead....but at least it keeps things interesting


So whos tired of the same ol' song structures?!

I am I am!!!


One day elmer stole a school bus and hit a wino. oops. so what now. well what else eat it! eat it up good! eat it like a plum pudding drenched in the sweat of a chronically obese whale women running on a flower pot shaped like a treadmill...

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Ya know, at some point I might have agreed with ya. But if it sounds good and you like it than whats so bad about it? You can be controled by a thing in rebeling from it.


Another point is, I never get sick of sex, people have been doing it since people have been. Its still up there on the "things to do" list. Think we should change how that works also just because its been going on for so long, I mean nothing new has been invented for at least 200 years in the field, and I think that may be a giving statement. This song structure you are talking about cant be more than 30 years old. The electric guitar isnt even 100 yet is it?


I support you whole heartedly in doing something that you want to do. I dont support doing something because its different. So, if you write a song, and it happens to be a new structure, and I like listening to it then YAY.


Best of luck, Jonathan

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Hello brand new internet buddies! yes sir im brand spanking new here on this lovlllley forum and you people are my new internet buddies. Like it or not. I love you. Every single one! What a lovley place to share my suburban angst

so riddle me this? whos tired of traditional song structure. 90% percent of the songwriting im hearing all seems to follow the same forumula...verse chourus verse chorus then somthing a bit more intersting...a solo a build up of sorts some sort of break down then shizam! another chorus...of course there is always variation...feeling crazy lets start that song with the chorus. And of course you cant forget throwing in a good ol' prechourus...maybe even after the chorus...ooo tricky...just to drive that hook home...

dag freakin cat shoestring pickle pot ronald mcdonald nabbit it drives me up the freakin wall!

Whos with me?

For me song writing like this seems to destroy songs that could be great...and it makes me sad...like an emo kid with a broken microwave...even if its always building it just seems to go where it should...And I'm pretty tired of songs doing what they should

Who gets off on total annihilation of song structure? And im not talking about getting crazy complicated prog rock going...im saying lets make that song connect make it flow make it hooky even make it poppy...just dont do it how you think it should be done...take everything you've learned and throw it out the window.

Somtimes i just want engourged in feedback flanges swirling around me filters making the guitar sound like its going to peel the paint off the walls and the skin off my face...I admit im a sonic mushhead....but at least it keeps things interesting

So whos tired of the same ol' song structures?!

I am I am!!!

One day elmer stole a school bus and hit a wino. oops. so what now. well what else eat it! eat it up good! eat it like a plum pudding drenched in the sweat of a chronically obese whale women running on a flower pot shaped like a treadmill...



Let this post be a lesson to everyone... don't get drunk, smoke a pound of :love: herb:love: , and then post on internet forums; this could happen to you.

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"But if it sounds good and you like it than whats so bad about it?"


well nothings wrong with it but that doesnt mean it couldnt be better. Sure most great songs follow the same old patterns and this works great with great song writers. But most people arent great song writers...which means they are kicking out songs ive already heard a hundred times. A simple idea can become so much more interesting when its arranged in an unconventional way.


"I dont support doing something because its different"

really? for me thats what music is all about. finding stuff that is diffrent. When you find a new band you just love isnt it because they are diffrent? If they sounded like stuff you already liked then whats the point. you could just listen to that instead. Why do composers try to be "avant guard"? Im pretty sure its not because thats what the audience would love to listen to...cause honestly that stuff is a difficult listen. It seems to me that the skeleton, the basic part of everysong has already been written. It all comes down to how it is presented to make it your own song. Song structure is a huge part of this presentation. Yeah the song structure I am talking about is at least 30 years old...and thats the point. I keep hearing it done in a half assed way and it drives me up the wall.....if your gonna suck at least be original about it


oh and swing finger....i dont need drugs to make my posts retarted...im that special all by my lonesome


Captain! lets get randy!

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I have to say that unusual song structures can add interest... but I'm struggling to think of many examples.


I like some of Opeth's, for example "The Grand Conjuration" where they start off with a simple riff, and spend the rest of the song expanding on it. A friends band starts off with a ripping solo that finishes into the song proper. It definitely made me listen more carefully.


Not to say I dislike traditional song structure. To me it makes sense as a way of building up a song. First the introduction which is interesting and creates a mood. The song then builds up until the chorus. Repetition isn't "bad" per-se... it's how humans learn. Then the bridge expands the theme. And the song finishes off with the chorus - the completion of the theme. Logically it's not a bad structure.

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I don't see anything wrong with the boilerplate format as long as there's something to hook onto like a cool riff, interesting melody, original lyrics, or some nice solos. Even excellent musicianship is reason enough to listen to a somewhat derivative song.


But if you're looking for something outside in terms of song structure, might I suggest some Mr. Bungle? Their 2nd album Disco Volante, and some songs from their 3rd and final album, California, shatter traditional pop song structure and instrumentation without indulging in the pretentiousness of prog rock (not that I don't like prog). DV is probably harder to enjoy at first than California, which is my favourite, but both are rewarding listens.

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so riddle me this? whos tired of traditional song structure. 90% percent of the songwriting im hearing all seems to follow the same forumula...verse chourus verse chorus then somthing a bit more intersting...a solo a build up of sorts some sort of break down then shizam! another chorus...of course there is always variation...feeling crazy lets start that song with the chorus. And of course you cant forget throwing in a good ol' prechourus...maybe even after the chorus...ooo tricky...just to drive that hook home...


dag freakin cat shoestring pickle pot ronald mcdonald nabbit it drives me up the freakin wall!


Whos with me?


For me song writing like this seems to destroy songs that could be great




Then wino u need to get on it 'eh?? cause u seem to be the only one whinnin and from what i hear lately there is no structure.... some majors and a few minors to make it pretty.... so let us know when you're done so we can hear what u even mean ;)

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"Then wino u need to get on it 'eh?? cause u seem to be the only one whinnin and from what i hear lately there is no structure.... some majors and a few minors to make it pretty.... so let us know when you're done so we can hear what u even mean"


mr johnny x. I certainly am all over this at the moment....shizoooowoooopdydoo...ive got quite a few songs that certainly do have an unusual structure. In the nearish future recordings of these songs should be made annnd I will be more then happy to share them with all you and all sorts of other lovley lovley people:thu:

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