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Hi I'm MarkydeSad

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And you post this on every forum on Harmony-Central because???

I bet the other 1,800 posts you've made are equally edifying for the community...

lol... you're only counting the ones under the name "markydesad". there's quite a few more monikers! lol....the guy is the undisputed heavyweight HC king of totally classless spamming. i love it. it cracks me up. recently, he pretended to be his own fan. it was great. :D



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lol... you're only counting the ones under the name "markydesad". there's quite a few more monikers! lol....the guy is the
undisputed heavyweight HC king
of totally classless spamming. i love it. it cracks me up. recently, he pretended to be his own fan. it was great.



the lad writes a catchy tune though :)

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And {censored}ing when...

I mean, he spends more time coming up with alts than I do sleeping. Not to mention the on-line conversations with himself.


He's got 50 songs on his soundclick.... Most of them, if not all of them, fully produced songs that are quite good....


{censored}, I work 60 hours a week, record about 1 song a weekend, and manage to have 20k posts in a couple of years...




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dude, remember that time you pretended to be your wife and asked everyone to listen on your song?

that was lame.



The MarkeydeSad humour doesn't translate well outside of OJ, I'm afraid... :(


See, we all knew that wasn't Mrs. Nads.... but.....


Bahh... Never mind... :(

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