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Mesa/Boogie Studio Preamp tube swappin'


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Recently, during practice, the studio pre has become pretty noisy and the tone starts to crap out after being used for 5-10 minutes, so I figure it's about that time to switch out the ol tubes. What sort of tubes do you dudes recommend? I use this pre for the gain, so i'd like something pretty quiet, but with a good amount of gain. I run it with a Rivera TBR-3 using EL34s (which I plan to switch out, so any recommendations with that would be nice, too).

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I like the Sovtek 12ax7LPS in v1. It cleaned up the fizz. More low mid emphasis. I've heard people swear the Mullard 12ax7 in v1 is choice. If I'm not mistaken Mesa uses EH12ax7's and slaps their name on them, so if you're looking to achieve the same tone there ya go.


If you aren't diggin the EL34's the next logical choice would be 6l6's, E34L's, or 5881's. Simple rebias and off you go. If you're looking for more wattage 6550's or KT88's.

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