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I'm bored...and I'm just thinking of trading an SG because I'm bored!


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I have an SG Classic. (Red finish, P-90's.)


And I'm not jack me off crazy about it. It's a great guitar...but I'm considering putting it up on Craigs list for trade just to see what comes up. I might get a washer and dryer!...Who knows?!?!


I don't even have anything that I really want. I don't need cash. But anything that's of interest to me would basically be trading down.


Wait....I'd trade for a Guild solidbody of some sort. Bluesbird, S-100


Or some type tube amp...nothing specific.


And being that I don't want anything specific I think that I should just keep the guitar around, in the case and wait until something cool comes around.


It's complicated!

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